Tuesday, June 28, 2011

How much i need her

Shes the woman with no fear with careness in her eyes
Loving to her children, always there for us to give guidance and to show us our wrongs
More than we should allow but shes always there and will be
Her forceful hand with the loving heart.
We dont give her enough credit and I believe she knows that we
deeply love her and without her we would be lost
Like us she has the temper but the along with that quick
forgive Shes the one whos heart goes to those sick and old and to those with
out voices those being are many animals. A Survivor of sickness
that never brought her down and a faithful follower of the Lord that brought her
light in the darkest time. She is my model and she is the person im forever thankful and
forever in debt to for the kindess she has shown me and the harshness in her
important lessons of life. She is my mother.

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